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Prior to founding STiR-communications in 2004 as an initial tax loophole, Salsburg was hailed as a “PR Wunderkind” by The New York Daily News. Further proving you can fool all of the people all of the time, his business insights and skills continued to be noticed by such outlets as Crain’s New York, who called him “A sagacious marketer with keen tactical instincts.” TIMEOUT said of his work, “Creative, forward-thinking and exciting,.” Los Angeles Times wrote “Everyone is here because of one humble erudite,” while Salsburg was named a business “Up & Comer” by South Florida Business Journal, a “Power Player,” by South Florida CEO, “The Consigliere Consultant,” by Boca Magazine. The awards are plenty and accolades accumulating but we are trying out humility. All of which has made his grandmother very proud and her bridge partners envious.

More importantly than all the above, Salsburg is an active philanthropist and a loving father and husband.

... and another thing...

Greg Salsburg has been ostracized by society since birth and became a disappointment to his family and all those who came in contact shortly thereafter. His freakish nature, diminutive stature, early adoption of donning loud footwear and love for all things “Seuss’ian” made him a pariah on the playground.

Years were spent in exile, with only rumors of his whereabouts. Villagers in remote areas delight of stories about how Salsburg once muttered, “Just Do It,” while in Portland, while others point to time in the late 80’s spent in a Buddhist temple when he broke his vow of silence to postulate “it’s time to overcharge the masses for burnt coffee with confusing names, served by condescending individuals.”

Authorities hired to track him have regaled in his impressive turnaround and integration back into civilization. For two decades Salsburg’s “Forrest Gump” like ability to be at the right place at the right moment was astonishing. He has lead the initiatives for and masterfully sucked up to Hollywood Elite, Super Models, Technology Titans, Musicians, Educators, Global CEO’s and a swarm of “Swiftties.”

Excerpts from the Credential Confidential ...

Greg Salsburg

Founder // CEO

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